A life journey through sacred sound and musicAnthar Kharana walks by the side of wise Elders from different tribes in his native Colombia and carries the message within his work. His music and encouraging words during workshops and music evenings, lead people to find their fullest potential to become powerful creators and shine their light to the world. He is the founder of Tambora Foundation, preserving ancestral arts & wisdom for children in Colombia and cultural exchange for children in the UK.
Anthar is the founder of Tribal Sound Healing in Bristol and co-founder of Soundsphere in Scotland. He is fully ensured Sound Therapy Practitioner from the British Academy of Sound Therapy (DIP BAST ST) in West England and member of the ICNM (Institute of Complementary and Natural Medicine). Anthar has more than ten years of experience with the sacred and therapeutic use of sound, music and shamanic studies and leads different workshops on voice development, singing, traditional drumming and ceremonies uniting people around the world. As he comes from a musical linage, music and sound have been forever linked with his work with the aim to awaken the hearts of people and to blend both paths, sound and sacred medicine as one. |